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Section 18 - Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021
The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021
18. Suspension or cancellation of registration. -
(1) The appropriate authority may on receipt of a complaint, issue a notice to the clinic or bank to show cause as to why its registration should not be suspended or cancelled for the reasons mentioned in the notice.
(2) If after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the clinic or bank, the appropriate authority is satisfied that there has been a breach of the provision of this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder or if the data obtained from them periodically do not satisfy the provisions of this Act, the rules and regulations made thereunder, it may, without prejudice to any criminal action, suspend its registration for such period as it may deem fit or cancel its registration.
(3) On cancellation of registration, a copy of the cancellation letter shall be sent to the respective State Board and accordingly the State Board shall cancel the registration of such clinics and banks.
Related Sections
- Section 39: Power of State Government to issue directions to State Board, etc
- Section 45: Application of other laws not barred
- Section 1: Short title, extent and commencement
- Section 24: Duties of assisted reproductive technology clinics using human gametes and embryos
- Section 42: Power to make rules